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February 10, 2020 Group Watch: State Leaders Stress Importance of Census

In March, the 2020 Census begins, and 100-percent statewide participation is key for Alabama’s future. State leaders outlined why it is so critical, saying it could be the most important census in state history, while urging all Alabamians to get counted. With proper participation, the federal government will have an accurate population number for the state, a statistic that is essential. Director of Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs pointed out that the count directly affects the level of the state’s federal funding, funding that supports a wide range of programs affecting infrastructure and healthcare to education. There are $13 billion dollars on the line. But the state’s population also affects its representation in Congress. A low count could lead to Alabama losing a seat (even two), and therefore, having less of a voice on Capitol Hill. Participation is easy and is estimated to take only five minutes, and it can be done on the phone, online or through the mail.

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