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Alabama Civil Justice Reform Committee Endorses Court Candidates

In this photo, Justice Greg Shaw, Judge Scott Donaldson, Judge Bill Thompson, Judge Mary Windom and Judge Beth Kellum pause for photo after lunch.

ACJRC Endorses Court Candidates

The ACJRC Board held a luncheon meeting yesterday in Montgomery and heard presentations from five appellate court judges. After the judges were dismissed, the Board voted voted unamimously to endorse the following candidates:

Justice Greg Shaw for re-election to the Alabama Supreme Court
Judges Bill Thompson and Scott Donaldson for the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals
Judges Beth Kellum and Mary Windom for the Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals.

In a press release, ACJRC Chairman Tom Dart said, “These judges exemplify the best in Alabama’s judicial system – intelligence, hard work and, above all, fairness and adherence to the rule of law. We are proud to support their candidacies next year.”

We will be sending out press kits on each of the candidates and urge all ACJRC members to support these candidates, invite them to appear at your meetings and events and help spread the word about their elections with your employees, friends and families.

The Board will meet again on August 20th with the legislative leadership.

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Alabama Civil Justice Reform Committee

Alabama Civil Justice Reform Committee

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